As part of our customized marriage and personal retreats,
we provide one-to-one coaching and couple-to-couple coaching
with a biblical foundation and a holistic approach.
Additionally, we provide coaching appointments with local leaders
and coach over the phone with ministry leaders and missionaries from across the globe.

Marriage Coaching
With a foundation of marriage rooted in God’s Word, Marriage Coaching encompasses an effective approach to strengthening and healing relationships. A trusted coach creates a safe environment, teaches skills, and facilitates life-giving conversations. Motivated couples, with good will toward one another, are able to engage in areas of growth and desired change so that they can uniquely live out God’s vision for their marriage.
Focuses on each couple’s unique situation and present needs:
- Builds upon relationship and individual strengths
- Increases self-awareness and “other” awareness
- Develops skills that can continue to foster connection and a healthy relationship
- Topics include communication, conflict resolution strategies, listening well, assertiveness, confiding, and better understanding one another
- Keeps the couple responsible to accomplish the action steps they set for themselves
- Helps the couple learn to “coach” themselves, empowering them to handle new challenges and new seasons of life.
Life and Ministry Coaching
Christian coaching is an on-going intentional conversation that empowers a person or group to fully live out God’s unique calling.
- Assists self-discovery and learning, rather than teaching
- Uses techniques such as active listening, open questions, observation and feedback
- Helps to broaden perspectives and options
- Is both encouraging and challenging, always remains supportive
- Is about goals and next action steps
Coaching differs from counseling or therapy, which address specific psychological issues, seeking to apply various therapeutic modalities. Marriage Coaching is more directive than typical life coaching as skill development is involved as well as decisions for action.
Debriefing is not counseling or therapy. It is an intentional, scheduled, structured meeting with a caring and qualified friend to give you space to “tell your story” after a stressful or significant event or season. We offer a safe, non-judgmental, private space and a listening ear. We will celebrate your joys and share your burdens.
- an opportunity to speak the facts and feelings of your story without interruption
- an opportunity to hear validation of your experience
- an opportunity for an assist in processing your experience and gaining perspective
- an opportunity to learn self-care strategies and to connect with other resources
- an opportunity to integrate the story into your lives and to determine a next step
Revised from the Mobile Member Care Team –
We are not trained in immediate trauma / crisis debrief. Please seek out a professional in the “art of debriefing” or in crisis counseling.